
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Learning what to POP & when to STOP

Wow I never expected so much of love support and acceptance , when i  first gathered the guts to share my fears & thoughts on this blog , no words would envelope the gratitude i have in my heart for every like , every comment and every view i got , still all i can say is a heartfelt THANK YOU .

I wanted to celebrate this new found confidence and belief in self and what better way to celebrate for a foodie than FOOD and anyways all the torture that i did to myself all these years playing the perfect self critic , i believe i truly deserved it .
So yesterday was a celebration night for Miss chubby pie and her special man , lets call him Mr. P for perfect.
We went for a romantic candle night all you can eat buffet at GLOBAL FUSION Bandra.

This place is a dream come true for any food lover , from sushi to salads to dumplings to fries to Thai , Malay Chinese and Indian spread of  all possible delicacies.

Earlier i would go crazy at such places , there would be   a "Bad Romance" between the food and me , I would gag down the last bit of that berry cheese cake till i felt sick enough to throw up and break up with my darling cake for the night.

But today it was different , it wasn't the compulsive possessiveness for food anymore but more like an ethereal fairy tale love , i saw the spread , the entire spread  ,romanced every bit of the detail with my eyes , balled in the aroma and took a thoughtful portion in my plate , today even a tiny bite of the fried chicken was enough to satisfy my fry fetish frenzy.

I ate less and enjoyed more , this was a unique experience i never had before , every bit that i took in was with total acceptance from my whole being , there were no multiple voices in my head dictating me to not eat or just hog on and later pressing me down with guilt .
For the first time I played this wonderful game of "what to pop and when to stop " with my food and I realized that it was the comfort of love and acceptance i was seeking all this while in my food , it was not the addiction to fried but the addiction to self pity and criticism that had kept this princess enslaved in an ogre's den.
I love myself and i totally accept myself , i love my curves and my flabs and i can hear them say that they love me back too and are ready to co operate in orchestrating the wonderful me i always was.

Princess Love to all
Mwah !


  1. Truly Amazing!!

    Loved every word and the flow of emotions. You have shown us the importance of a harmonic relation with food :)

    Proud of you :)

    Prabhat Kiran

    1. Thank u so much for all the love and inspiration my love , mwah !


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